Bulg.eu - everything about the Bansko region!
Living and working in the mountains of Bulgaria!

When can I start?

The minimum age to get your Bulgarian driving licence is 18. You must also have lived in Bulgaria for at least 185 days in the last 12 months.

In addition, you need a Bulgarian residence permit and bank card. Arrange this before you even think of starting driving lessons there.

Documents required

1. School certificate (Уверение)

Yes, you need a school certificate to get a driving licence. It may sound strange, but this was devised to stop gypsies (those who don't go to school) from driving a car. These people are not seen as real Bulgarians and are often a nuisance to the Bulgarian population.

Anyway, you have to be able to prove that you have been educated. Whether this is in the UK, in Bulgaria or anywhere else does not matter. You need an official Bulgarian certificate proving that you have actually followed education.

This certificate includes your name, in which country your diploma was issued, at which school and in which year.

If you have an English (secondary) school diploma, this is easy to arrange. It has to be legalised in your country of origin with an Apostille.

Being from the Netherlands, we do not know exactly how this works abroad. You will have to check this with the relevant authorities.

If you have your legalised diploma, it is not yet ready for use in Bulgaria. You need to have it translated into Bulgarian by an official translator! This can only be done in Bulgaria and does not have to cost a lot. It can also be arranged within a few days.

Once you have the translation, it's time for the final step: applying for the certificate. This can only be done in one location: in the centre of Sofia.

School certificate document Sofia, Bulgaria The school diploma certificate

Bring your British legalised certificate, the Bulgarian translations and the Apostille and pay 35 BGN on location with a Bulgarian bank card.

After a month, you can collect the certificate at the same location, finally ending this process!

2. First aid certificate

Yes, you also need a first aid certificate to apply for your driving licence. It is mandatory to take a first aid course for road accidents. This course takes one day, from 9 to 6 approximately, and can be held any day from Monday to Saturday at a location of your choice.

Courses are held at Bulgarian Red Cross (Български червен кръст) locations that can be found throughout the country. The closest one to Bansko is in Blagoevgrad.
I took this course myself in Sofia at Knyaz Alexander Dondukov Boulevard 61 on the recommendation of the driving school. At this location, the instructor speaks good English, which means he can get you off to a good start.
In fact, the entire course is in Bulgarian. Only the test at the end is in English. However, you can get learning materials in English from the driving school and, depending on the location, from the Red Cross.

Once you have successfully completed the test, you will receive the certificate below. Keep this well and take it with you when you go to apply for your driving licence!

Bulgarian first aid certificate for road accidents The first aid certificate for traffic accidents

You can take the course at any time. Before you start your driving lessons, during or after: it's up to you. As long as you have it arranged before you want to apply for your driving licence!

At the time of writing, this course costs BGN 90. However, this is raised each time, so my advice is to do it as soon as possible. To book this course, go to the FirstAid.RedCross.bg website. On this page, choose the traffic accident course, choose a convenient location, date and fill in your details. Good luck!

3. Medical certificate

Document number three is the medical certificate confirming that you are physically fit to drive a motor vehicle. You can get this document from any hospital or medical centre in Bulgaria, but it is best to arrange this with your driving school. After all, they have their contacts.

This medical certificate costs BGN 40 cash which can vary by region and hospital.

Guide to getting your driving licence

Getting a driving licence is a little different in Bulgaria than in the UK. Some traffic rules are different and the required documents are also different.

Therefore, we have explained in detail here what the steps are to get your driving licence. Of course, you will also need to arrange the above documents in addition.

Step 1. Choose a driving school

Of course, it is important to find out about driving schools in the area and eventually register with the driving school of your choice.
However, finding a good driving school can be tricky. First, most do not have a website and cannot be found on Google Maps.

Second, many driving schools do not speak English. If you can find contact details at all, it is sometimes difficult to communicate too.

In addition, of course, not all driving schools are equally good. Try to find a driving school with a high success rate and where you feel good and comfortable.
If this is not the case, you can always ask for your money back and go to another driving school.

View all driving schools in Bulgaria

First Driving School for Foreigners

Don't feel like searching and want help with the necessary documents, theory lessons and driving lessons in English and a fine driving instructor? Then I recommend the First Driving School for Foreigners.
This driving school was founded by Rozalina Videnova and her husband to help foreigners who came to live in Bulgaria get their Bulgarian driving licence.
Today, this driving school has grown into a community of sorts with occasional excursions and (former) students from over 140 countries worldwide!

The driving school is located in Sofia near metro station Beli Dunav on a large boulevard.

The secret of this driving school? They teach in English, they help you arrange all the necessary documents and they are just really nice and friendly people, I can tell you from personal experience.
I took theory and driving lessons myself at this driving school and I am very positive about it. I got in touch with Rosi in February 2024 and she helped me with the initial steps. A month later I already started my first theory lesson!

I didn't speak a word of Bulgarian, so it was a relief to find a driving school where they teach in English and also help in the whole process of arranging the documents.

I ended up spending about 3 months getting my driving licence from this driving school, but this can be done a little faster if necessary.

At this driving school, getting your licence is a fun and not too difficult task!

Want to know more about the First Driving School for Foreigners? Just contact us and we'll put you in touch with owner and founder Rosi. She was my driving instructor and I definitely recommend it!

Step 2. Take theory lessons

In Bulgaria, you need to complete theory before you can get in the car and start driving lessons. And actually, this is better too, because then you already know all traffic rules, signs and functions in the car. This is a lot safer and reduces the chances of accidents.

You are required to take 40 hours of theory lessons. This amounts to about four full days of theory lessons. In it, you will learn all the traffic rules, signs, speed limits for each category and, for example, the rules of the right of way. You will also sometimes get explanations about real traffic situations and how to react/anticipate.

Theory is not extremely difficult in Bulgaria. It is less extensive and less strict than in the UK.
You just take the theory at your driving school.

You can practise online for the theory exam via Avtoizpit.com. This is also the platform on which the official exam will take place. It therefore contains many questions that you might just get on the exam. So it's good practice!

Step 3. The theory exam

Once you have completed 40 hours of theory, you will make an appointment for the exam with your driving instructor and you will be given a blue card to show at the exam venue, as official proof that you have completed the theory lessons.
This exam takes place in Sofia, behind the Decathlon at the ‘Regional Executive Agency Automobile Administration’. This is at the following location:

The exam takes place on tablets in a public exam room with a supervisor. Show your Bulgarian ID, hand over the blue pass and after passing through a metal detection gate, you can sit in front of one of the screens.

The exam consists of 45 questions and you can get a total of 97 marks, of which you need a minimum of 87 to pass. Each question can earn you 1, 2 or 3 points, depending on the difficulty level and the number of answers. Get the question wrong? Then you will lose these points.
All questions are multiple choice. Pay close attention to how many answers you have to select!

You have a total of 40 minutes for the exam, which is more than enough to also check all your answers afterwards.

You can find all possible exam questions on the ministry's official website.

Step 4. The practical lessons

In Bulgaria, it is customary to complete theory first before you can start practical lessons. In total, you have to take 31 lessons of 45 minutes.

You can choose whether you want to drive in a manual or an automatic car.

You will first learn the basics of the car. What all the buttons and lights are for and how to adjust the seat and mirrors. You'll also learn how to operate the pedals and gearshift lever.

Then you can start driving. You start in a quiet place, such as a large car park or a quiet street. Later, you start driving on busier roads, roundabouts, intersections, etc.

After a few lessons, you start learning various special operations. Reverse parking, forward parking, driving backwards in a straight line, parking in an inclined space, jam parking, reversing by crossing, reversing by half-turn and the incline test.
The last three lessons usually focus on a mountain pass and the motorway.

In this way, you will learn all aspects of becoming a good driver.

When you are in control of the car, have mastered the special operations well enough and can deal with different traffic situations, your driving instructor will schedule the practical exam for you.

Step 5. The practical exam

The practical exam lasts 25 minutes in Bulgaria and takes place at your driving school in your teaching car. So you drive in a familiar car through familiar surroundings. Of course, this does help in assessing certain traffic situations and driving behaviour of other road users.

The practical exam is always the most exciting part of the whole process. My instructor therefore wrote on the board: ‘A ship doesn't sink when it's in the water, it sinks when the water is in it’. In this, you are the ship and in this, the water is the tension. If you let the tension (the water) in, you will make mistakes, whereas if you stay calm and do what you always do, you will be fine!

‘A ship doesn't sink when it's in the water, it sinks when the water is in it’


The practical exam is in Bulgarian. This sounds exciting, but it's not that bad. In fact, your instructor joins you in the car as an interpreter to translate everything. He or she sits behind you, and the examiner sits next to you and gives you instructions.
And if you don't know, you can always ask. You are also welcome to make mistakes, as long as you solve them properly and safely.


You will be confronted with different traffic situations. Roundabouts, traffic lights, small streets and a large boulevard, for example. You will also be asked to perform two special operations, such as reverse parking, jam parking, driving straight backwards or the slope test.

You will also have to answer some theory questions. How to open the bonnet, how to switch on the warning lights and which items are mandatory in the car, for example. The question of what liquids are in a car is also common, of which you will have to name three.
Don't worry if you don't know this; you won't fail on it. However, it can damage your self-confidence, causing you to make more that could be fatal.
So it is better to just answer these questions correctly.

And very important: stick to the speed limits! Preferably stay slightly below them, because from my own experience I say most examiners like this better. My examiner kept slowing me down when I was driving 45 on a 50 road!
But if you drive too fast, chances are you will have failed immediately.

A tip: look carefully around you! If you know what is going on around you, you can react faster and more accurately, avoiding surprises. This naturally gives the examiner the feeling that you have everything under control.
If you hit the pavement when parking, for example, you fail immediately. This is considered a collision and is out of the question on the exam.

Step 6. Applying for your driving licence from the Traffic Police (KAT)

Passed your practical exam? Then it's time to apply for your driving licence. You do this at the Traffic Police of the province where you live. For Bansko, this is Blagoevgrad, so you need to go to Blagoevgrad, which is about a 45-minute drive away. The Traffic Police is at the beginning of town at the following address: Sveti Dimitar Solunski Boulevard 83.

Here you can walk right in and hand over the required documents at the right-hand counter. The employee checks everything briefly, gives back some papers and asks if you want normal or quick service. For standard service (one month) you pay BGN 27 and for BGN 57 you will have your driving licence in a week.
You pay with a Bulgarian bank card registered in your name, otherwise the payment and thus the application will not be valid!

You will have to sign some signatures and then you are free to go. After a week or a month, your driving licence will be ready in the same building at the left-hand counter. One more signature and done!

What might seem strange is that they don't take a photo of you. They use the photo of your ID that is in the system if it is recent enough.

What are the costs and how long does the whole process take?

It is difficult to give exact costs, as not everyone needs the same number of lessons. The exams also cost money and this will have to be paid again in case of a resit.
Here are the average costs.

  • The driving course (theory and practice + exams) costs around BGN 1,600. This is an all-inclusive package that many driving schools offer. You can then retake both exams endlessly and the number of lessons does not matter in this either. If you pay separately, the theory exam will cost BGN 70 per time and the practical exam BGN 80 per time.
  • But there are other costs involved. For instance, you will have to have your school certificate legalised and Apostilleed. This costs around €120 in total in the Netherlands, depending on the number of pages and the type of diploma.
  • Next, you need to have all this translated by a recognised translator. This usually costs no more than BGN 100, depending on the number of pages and the language from which it has to be translated.
  • Next, you will apply for the school diploma certificate. This can be done in Sofia and takes a month. For this, you pay BGN 35 with a Bulgarian bank card.
  • To apply for your driving licence, you pay BGN 27 for a month and BGN 57 for a week.
  • Besides the cost of the driving licence process, there are also costs involved in applying for the Bulgarian residence permit and bank account.

In the end, with everything together, you pay an average of BGN 2,000, which is about EUR 1,000.

The driving course will take you one or two months on average. But this can also be faster or slower, depending on your available time and drive.
Getting all the necessary documents ready takes about two months on average.

In total, it takes about six months on average, but it can also be much faster. For instance, I did it in three months and many others did it even faster.
So it is certainly not impossible to go through the whole process and get your driving licence in a few months!

7 handy tips for a successful driving course

We would love to help you get your driving licence, because we have all been here. Read seven handy tips here.

  1. Wear comfortable clothes and shoes. Don't wear clothes with annoying edges and don’t wear heels, for example.
  2. Always stay calm and listen to the intructor. You have an instructor next to you who has years of experience with hundreds of students. He will know exactly what to do, even if you don't know for a while. Trust him or her and stay calm.
  3. Don't be afraid to make mistakes. You learn from mistakes. And driving lessons are for learning. So you can make mistakes; after all, that is what driving lessons are for. But it is important to listen carefully to your instructor and solve your mistakes safely.
  4. Choose different times for driving lessons. That way, you will learn to drive in different conditions.
  5. Watch YouTube videos on driving lessons and theory. An ideal preparation for the exams starts with understanding and knowing what to expect.
  6. Practise theory at home. Theory is anything but fun, but it is very important. Therefore, practise at home as much as possible via Avtoizpit, read road signs and watch YouTube videos.
  7. Be well rested and eat healthy. Maybe a bit of an odd tip, but if you are well rested and eat healthy, you can concentrate better and process information better. Very important in the car.

Conclusion: do you want driving lessons in Bulgaria?

Do you want to get your driving licence in Bulgaria? You have read that this is certainly not difficult, but there are many things you need to be aware of. Of course, you have the language barrier and there are many compulsory documents to show when applying for your driving licence.

Still, it is a fun and exciting process. Chances are, you'll start to feel like taking driving lessons and enjoy driving.

Having your driving licence gives you a great sense of freedom and independence. That's why we would love to help you get your driving licence!